You Are Enough
The affirmation, “You are enough,” is something every woman should not only know but truly believe. Society bombards us with messages that we’re never good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, talented enough, or thin enough.

For me, those negative messages started when I was very young. Sometimes, it wasn’t even words that were spoken, but rather the body language of others. As a child, you look at whomever is sending the message and think, “Well, they’re an adult, so it must be true.” If it’s a peer, it’s easy to think, “They’re smarter than me, so they must be right.” Or you might find yourself saying, “They seem to have their life so together, so maybe I’m the one who’s falling short.”
Stop Believing the Lies
When you don’t know the truth, it’s easy to believe the lies. They sink in so deep that sometimes you don’t even realize it—they take over your heart and mind, filling your thoughts with ugliness. Friend, that’s exactly what they are: lies from the devil, who is nothing more than a big bully on the playground.
I don’t know about you, but I can be having a great day until I mess up just one thing. Then those ugly lies I’ve believed rear their heads again. In a matter of seconds, I go from believing I can do anything to believing I am nothing.
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). He created each of us in His own image (Genesis 1:27). That scripture still blows my mind away! Can you imagine? “I am like Jesus?!” The One who spoke the universe into existence designed us with intention and care.
You know what? By ourselves, we may not feel like we are enough. But in Jesus, we are so much more. In Him, our value is immeasurable.
We are much more than pretty… we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). The Creator of the universe handcrafted us, each with unique beauty and purpose.
We are chosen.
We are cherished.
We are created by the Creator.
We are much more than just liked… we are deeply loved by God. Romans 5:8 reminds us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us—demonstrating a love beyond any human understanding.
We are much more than smart… we are given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), with wisdom and understanding that surpasses worldly knowledge.
We are much more than what our size is… Our worth isn’t measured by the numbers on a scale, but by the fact that we are God’s workmanship, created for good works (Ephesians 2:10).

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Living As God’s Masterpiece
In a world that constantly tells us we’re not enough, remember that in Jesus, we are so much more. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, deeply loved, and blessed with divine wisdom. Our worth isn’t measured by worldly standards but by the immeasurable love of God. Embrace who you are in Christ—more than enough, beautifully redeemed, and infinitely cherished. Let this truth fill your heart and guide your steps, knowing that in Him, you are more than you could ever imagine.
As you step away from the lies and embrace the truth, remember that you are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). You are uniquely crafted, full of purpose, and deeply loved by the One who created the universe. Living as God’s masterpiece means recognizing your value in Christ, not in the standards of the world. It means walking in confidence, knowing that you are beautifully and intentionally designed by a loving Creator.
So, as you go forward, let go of the doubt and the comparisons. Instead, embrace who God says you are—fearfully and wonderfully made, perfectly equipped, and more than enough in Him. Live boldly as the masterpiece you are, reflecting His glory in everything you do.
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From my happy, healthy home to yours,